Thursday, August 25, 2005



The Bellevue church of Christ in Bellevue, Washington began a project to help the children of Ecuador over five years ago. God placed in their hearts the desire to provide a youth camp in Ecuador. The dream has now become reality in the form of the Cayambe Christian Center. The location, as the name implies, is near Cayambe, Ecuador, a small mountainous city about two hours driving time north of Quito.

Ulf and Margaret Hallen, members of the Bellevue congregation, have been the keys to unlock the doors of this wonderful project. They searched to find the present rural property and have been active in overseeing it’s construction. These facilities will be used in many ways to provide a place for education, recreation, dining and worship to the orphanage. God opened the door of opportunity to purchase enough land to place the Hacienda of Hope adjacent to this property in early 2002.


Quito Norte

This great project started years ago when God placed the idea of helping little children into the minds and hearts of brethren in the Quito Norte congregation of the church of Christ in Quito, Ecuador. The congregation has grown tremendously in the past 14 years, however it was never possible to realize the dream of helping the children of Ecuador until now.

God can be depended upon to hear the prayers of His righteous people as can be seen in this project. This congregation is now well equipped to help in many ways to see that quality child care is provided to the orphaned and abandoned of Ecuador. The Quito School of Biblical Studies will become a great resource to this project in the supply of manpower.


An Experiment

I don't know if this is a place to just talk about the Hacienda of Hope and it's web site, or if this will become it's web site. It seems like this is the format to track such things. I am going to put some of the content from on this blog so other members of the team can see what they think about it.


More about Twickenham

The elders and members at the Twickenham Church of Christ have stepped out in faith! God has led us to take the lead in establishing a children’s home in Cayambe, Ecuador. In addition to the challenge of spreading the gospel, Christians are also encouraged by James with the following thought – “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).

Please pray with us and for us as we allow God to channel our resources and talents toward the precious children of Ecuador. Also pray as these children are touched by the gospel that they would allow God to use them as His ambassadors to the continent of South America.

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