Thursday, September 15, 2005


Fresh Pics from Hacienda of Hope

The following are a few pictures that Pat & I took yesterday & today: The first is a view from a farm located to the East and South of our property. You can see our family home and apartment clearly. You can also see our new South property line fence going down the mountain. The blue color trees in the fore ground are young eucalyptus trees and the dark green taller ones are older eucalyptus trees. They are an abundant source of building materials for Ecuador. You are also able to see the road way we have constructed to our new "Prayer Dome" in the center of this picture.

This second picture is of our current work project. In order to be good stewards of our property, we must control some serious soil erosion problems. We have deverted rain water run-off from our pastures to the South side of our property where it is channeled into a rock lined drainage ditch. Here we are creating a rock water fall area to our creek in order to stop additional soil erosion(i.e. as seen above the workers). When complete, our new fence will run along the top of the rock wall. Please visit this site in a few days to see the completed project!

This view taken this afternoon is from a mountain corn field above our property. Pat & I were looking at a farm located North and above our property. You can see our new "Prayer Dome" on the left side. Our family home is just to the right of it. The large field to the left of the home is the farm. The red roof among the trees is the top of the main large building at Cayambe Christian Center.

I wanted to let everyone know that the only September events we have to celebrate is our 39th wedding anniversary and Luzmila's 5th birthday on the 27th.
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