Sunday, February 26, 2006


"...we might buy them for some of the boys at Hacienda of Hope"

From the story that I got, my friends were shopping in one of the nice anchor stores in the mall where I used to be the manager. As they were just walking through the store they notice a great sale on nice white dress shirts. They looked through the bin and discovered that the sizes were all too small for either him or any of their grown sons ...but the prices were almost unbelievable! They were about to walk off, when it dawned on them that some of these shirts would no doubt fit someone at the Hacienda of Hope. So ...long story short, Mickey got this nice dress shirt for his recent birthday.

Now, I can not find the adequate words to express the emotional feelings of gratitude in this 14 year boy for this new white shirt and tie. Having a new white shirt and tie is a first experience for him and he looked so proud of it as he wore it to church today! Mickey has lots of good characteristics like honesty, responsibility, good work ethic, studious and now it seems he is developing a wonderful sense of self respect ...thanks in part for the couple who were walking together in the mall, followed their hearts and helped someone they have never met have something he might never experience without them. Our deepest expression of "Thanks" goes out to this couple!

In the past several months, Mickey has been asking questions about becoming a Christian. He is learning of the commitment required of someone dieing to themselves and living for Christ. He appears wanting to be absolutely sure of this big decision before acting. Thanks in advance for those of you who will offer a little prayer for him. Because of the wonderful grace of God and the personal sacrificial giving of some of you reading this, we believe Mickey has a very bright future.

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